Georgetown edX Course

This week, I finally registered and began taking an online “Sign Language Structure, Learning, and Change” course offered by Dr. Ted Supalla at Georgetown. Although I haven’t yet progressed far through the various modules that are a part of this course, I’m excited to finally branch off into learning more about the rich history and culture of ASL! The course covers topics from grammar and composition to the historical heritage of sign languages as a whole. In addition to starting that, consistent with much of what my study has been so far, I also spent this week continuing my learning with ASL Deafined (Specifically, I spent time learning how to sign household items and rooms, even including some less traditional rooms, like a “man cave” for example).

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One Response to Georgetown edX Course

  1. Jennifer Garci says:

    Glad to hear that you’ve begun this part of your Independent Study! It sounds intriguing. Keep up the great work.

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